《画皮2 电影》真是少女小说的意淫高峰一边是善解人意的忧郁高富帅一边是满腔热血的元气农民工从未有过社交危机相反无论人类吸血鬼狼人都始终高喊“一切为了Bella”、“一定要保护好Bella”、“这是Bella的决定”bla bla bla色釉釉WWW真的很想问一句WHO THE HELL IS BELLA
if tommy wiseau(cf. sina user named 'netflix' promoting the giant on his own) expands to other areas of 'full entertainment experiences' + especially the folklore legends branch of afro-american oral traditions(your John Henry, John the conqueror, Stagolee, Morris Slater 'railroad bill', etc.); 'Legends are generally accepted as narratives that are