Self-revelation, reconcilation and perhaps healing by means of a recount, an imaginary revisiting and a confrontational dialogue with the young self. Honest as to the needs of a too-sensitive but empty child, unflinching as to the declaration of love yet cluelessness of what it entails.// “When I was a child, I was obsessed with changing myself.”
十分过誉兄弟三角恋勾义嫂 vs 勾二嫂偶有佳句但难称佳章拍出了烟火味但没拍出饭桌上剑拔弩张的戏味整体又拖得太长极品教师动漫在线观看免费完整版最后的落脚点还是老土的家庭团聚温馨戏码陈永燊做得最好的是对笑话尺度的把握这点倒是继承了师父马伟豪的衣钵既不会平淡如水又不会像叶念琛王晶般cheap马来西亚大波妹林明祯演到这部才开始有点开窍了
这部元素好杂糅到后半段又有了神韵 好好奇15岁詹妮弗康纳利被选角的原因啊 那身白衬衫+白领带+白裙+白袜+黑鞋美到可以挑出来把阿基多(垃圾)叙事掩盖掉 而她和昆虫之间的纽带因此反而有了颇具力量的美感 昆虫视角/开始梦游的镜头水准还在 The camera eye is the transcendental eye! 哈哈哈以及刚开始有个梗差不多说“不要去别的学校”:)